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Third Rock Media Group is a small company specializing in targeted video production for corporate video, local television commercials and video for social media. We provide video services to local business owners and individual consumers who seek creative video for a variety of uses.

We provide creative consultation with our clients to determine their video needs. From that meeting we develop a creative concept which, when approved, is distilled down to a working script. Once the script is approved, location surveys are conducted to determine points of visual interest for the video. We partner with the client to determine additional needs including actors, Jingle composition, hair and makeup stylists and more.

We provide on location shooting, audio recording, lighting and direction using our own state of the art equipment. Once all of the shoot materials are recorded, we review all of the shots and select the best material to begin editing on our state of the art video editing systems. Professional voice overs, music, stock photos and graphics are added at this time to finish the project.

Completed projects are presented to the client for review and approval.  We can provide completed work on DVD, flash drive, external drive and/or upload to a server for public viewing.

We are a Full Service Video Production Agency


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Frank Bouley

Founder & Producer

Over 30 years of industry experience in television production with a focus on customer satisfaction and creative, award winning content.

Jean Bouley

Business Manager

Manages day to day operations for shoot scheduling, contracts, billing and customer requests.

Learn More by Watching This video

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Third Rock Media Group, LLC

Tel: 201-835-7246


154 Art Street

Ringwood, New Jersey




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